A New Life


I have happy tears streaming down my face as I’m writing this. My friends, Lan and Chelsea, their sweet little guy, Landon, gave his life to our Lord and Savior. Along with our entire congregation we witnessed Landon show the world that he is saved!

Lan, Landon’s dad, was the one to baptize his son. Seeing Landon look up to his daddy, his hero, the man that is showing him what it looks like to walk in faith and serve Jesus. . .it was so beautiful! Lan and Chelsea, I am so proud of you guys. You are raising your babies so beautifully! It’s inspiring to me and so many others too!

RyAnne, our oldest daughter, recently gave her life to the Lord too. I came across a scripture that I call her’s. In 1 Timothy 4:11-12 is reads:

Command and teach these things. Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

It’s our job as parents to teach our babies what it looks like to walk in faith. If you are struggling with how to do this, Google it. No, I’m not joking with you. Just as you would Google search for the latest and greatest new gadgets and the reviews that go with them, you can do the same thing in regards to more information about how to walk with Jesus.

An even deeper level, would be to find a community! One that will SHOW you how this looks, one that will hold you accountable and keep you on track.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25

Landon, I love watching you grow closer to the Lord and share your love of Jesus with others!


Olivia's PreK Graduation!


I can’t even believe I am typing this - PEACE OUT PREK!!! Insert tears!!! I didn’t lose it at her graduation. I almost lost it during her graduation breakfast at Chic-Fit-A while she ate her fave “circle things” (hash browns). It was when we got home that it really hit me, our baby is FIVE and going into kindergarten. This is my all time fave age!

She’s little enough to still need me.

Sassy enough to be a little independent.

Too little to know what it means to talk back to me - thank the Lord but I know it’s coming! lol

We just love this big, little girl!! It’s been an incredible year with the best teacher’s, Mrs. Lee-Trust and Mrs. Meadows. Ladies, I have so much respect for you, and ALL the teachers out there too! These two ladies have a special place in our hearts, as they both taught RyAnne during her PreK year too. These ladies have so much love to share that is spills over into our babes!

Ladies, thank you so, so much for teaching our sweet little babies!! Thank you for loving them, making learning fun and being incredible roll models! We love you bunches and hope you have the best summer ever!


Beth and Cory | Starrsville Plantation, Covington, Ga. Wedding


I’m so excited for Cory and Beth! Their big day was just perfect! It was a hot one but. you wouldn’t even know it by looking at these two. They were radiant and their love for one another just shined through!

We met Beth in the bridal suite of the main house at Starrsville Plantation where her sweet momma helped her get in her gown and then Cory surprised her with a beautiful gift that she wore down the aisle.

Beth asked us if we would take Cory a surprise too! We headed down the hall to find him getting ready with his guys. Cory and Beth both wrote each other very touching love notes and they each took the time to read them quietly to themselves. It was so beautiful to witness their emotions during that special time.

ALL the first looks had me, AND more importantly, Beth in tears!! From Beth’s first look with her ladies, to her and Cory and then her and her daddy. . .my oh my!! So many sweet tears.

Beth and Cory, I know beautiful things are in store for you both!! Congratulations guys!!
















KayLeigh and Michael | Arabia Mountain Engagement Session


I am so excited for this couple!! I met KayLeigh through her grandmother, Pamela. Pamela and I have been friends for about eight years or so and I just love her! When Pamela would talk about her granddaughter, I knew that I would love her too! KayLeigh arrived at my office for her consultation after her and Michael got engaged and she was just beaming!! I got to meet Michael for their engagement session just a few weeks ago and he is a wonderful person and, together, they are just amazing!

KayLeigh and Michael went to middle and high school together but they never knew each other existed until years later. KayLeigh’s best friend, Samantha, was also Michael’s best friend in high school. Out of the blue, Samantha said to KayLeigh, “You know who you would be good with?" Michael Baker!” Kayleigh immediately went to social media and looked him up. She realized they were already Facebook friends. She never reached out to him after looking him up but she did think he was SUPER handsome!

Several months later, she was scrolling through social media and his picture popped up, so she gave it a little “thumbs up” and went on about her day. About two months later HE reached out to her AND asked her on a date!! KayLeigh was filled with joy that he had asked her on a date.

Their first date was such a huge hit, they went to Tin Lizzie’s and became best friends instantly and have been inseparable ever since. 

A few months before Michael proposed, he went to KayLeigh’s grandparents house and asked for her Poppie’s blessing. He knew he couldn’t tell her mom OR her grandmother because they aren’t the best at keeping secrets from KayLeigh. They are just so close!

KayLeigh and Michael had a weekend getaway planned for Jekyll Island in Georgia. On May 25th he wanted to go grab dinner at this place next to their hotel. KayLeigh thought that was odd because she didn’t realize there was anything next to their hotel. But, of course she agreed. Instead of walking on the sidewalk to go the restaurant, Michael asked if she wanted to walk on the beach to get to it which was an immediate YES from her. As they were walking down the beach, KayLeigh saw a man down on one knee and a woman standing up next to him. Her immediate reaction was “Oh my goodness, how sweet! I think he is proposing”. She later found out that this was the guy who Michael had hired to take pictures of their engagement and the woman was his assistant. At last, Michael was able to get KayLeigh in front of him and when she turned around to see why he stopped walking, he was down on one knee asking her to marry him!!!

PURE shock ran through her! While she knew with everything inside of her that she would marry this man, she had NO clue that he would be asking her to be his wife that weekend. She shed so many happy tears that day. 

KayLeigh mentioned in an email to me, “I fell in love with Michael extremely fast & it truly surprised me how strong my feelings were for him. He has showed to be the most caring, loving, funniest, most adorable human being I’ve ever met. While our story brought us together on social media, there is no doubt in my mind that God would have drawn us together another way if social media didn’t work. God knew exactly who my soulmate and partner would be the moment he made me and I’m so glad that Michael was that person.”

And that is so true! God has created us and our partners WAY before we knew how to talk! Isn’t that so beautiful?! To know that when we walk in faith and trust our Savior, He will always be there to provide our hearts desires!

KayLeigh and Michael, Congratulations!! I cannot wait to see you two say “I Do”!!


Marlow Family | Monroe, Ga.


A couple of weeks ago, I met the Marlow family in Monroe, Ga. for their session. So many gorgeous spaces at Melissa’s mom’s farm! Her momma runs an amazing program for children with special needs. It’s called Your Angel Wings Recreational Horse Therapy. Melissa is the momma to a special needs child. She’s very proactive and has become involved in a new ministry at her new church home. I asked her is she would like to share anything incase there are other family’s looking for support. Y’all, isn’t community everything!

Melissa says, “Two years ago after learning firsthand what it means to not have a church home and family, my husband and I have had the privilege of working with Victory Baptist Church in Loganville, Georgia to create what we call the Embracing Needs Ministry. This ministry is to walk alongside and minister to families with special needs children, support and care for foster families and share our time and love with local nursing homes. We also enjoy partnering with Your Angels Wings Recreational Horse Therapy to visit and bring miniature horses to the children’s hospitals in our area.

Our newest adventure is building our own farm! We are working towards cultivating a more simple life for our family. We are almost finished with the building of our home and are making plans on how to harvest our dreams!”

What a blessing this family is!! I just love how big her serving heart is! Click on the link if you would like more information about Your Angel Wings Recreational Horse Therapy . And for more information about the ministry that Melissa and her family started, click here Embracing Needs Ministry.